Willis (our Border terrier), named so my husband can say' Willis is barking' (apologies to Charles Dickens Great Expectations and any reference to ‘Barkers is willing’) is now 10 months old. He is a really sweet chap and full of fun - however he has some very bad habits - he is a dog after all. He likes digging up Les's lovely lawn, obviously not looking for buried treasure more likely bones, but also has found my lovely new shrubs.
I hated taking down the window boxes and putting all the trailing geraniums on the compost heap. They don’t over winter well and we have given up trying, although we do have more success with the standard geraniums in the greenhouse. Normally we go the winter pansy route and have for the hanging baskets but this year we opted for miniature cyclamens and little shrubs for the window boxes and tubs. They do look lovely – clean and fresh.
Willis obviously thinks so too as he has taken to eating the shrubs out of the tubs – the little beast. I must put something on them that will deter him. We have heard that Lions urine works but as there aren’t many in Carmel I hope the local pet shop has something suitable.
I love those cyclamen. I have planted the tiny winter pansies but looking at those cyclamen and knowing I still have a couple of pots is getting me thinking!