Sunday, 3 October 2010

Apples and more apples

I am all appled out. Eating apples, cooking apples, freezing apples and making apple jelly. If that wasn’t enough Les and I went to the Apple Festival at Erddig yesterday. What a glorious sunny day it was(unlike last night’s deluge) perfect for a wonder around this annual event which attracts 100’s of people every year. It was lovely to see families enjoying a good old fashioned day out. The Morris Dancers were fantastic and Les particularly enjoyed the CAMRA Cider Tent. Lots of wood work and handmade crafts for sale. I particularly love the renewed interest of handmade crafts and there were some lovely things. The Owls from North Wales Owl Sanctuary were incredible and I got the chance to hold one (with the big glove). There was a cider press demonstration, storytelling, jazz as well as cookery demonstrations with local produce. Oh I also had a go at the longest apple peel competition and failed miserably. Erddig is lovely any time but with the Autumn colours and the smell of apples is very special. My favourite though was the chocolate brownie from Veggie Fayre – would love the recipe for the chilli ones – think I need to practice a bit.

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